
Jeroen De Schuyteneer

Event Director, City of Ghent

Jeroen De Schuyteneer, Born 1978, living and working in Gent, Belgium

Master in History at University Gent, graduated in contemporary history


Professional circuit


Since 2011:

Director Event Department city of Gent, Belgium

Director Gent Fest (10day-city festival during summer, 1.600.000 visitors each year)

Director Light Festival Gent (5 days / each 3 years, 600.000 visitors)

Lecturer and key note speaker in event and leisure domain at international conferences and universities


2006 – 2011

Public Affairs and Production Manager at music festivals Blue Note Records Festival, Jazz & Sounds Festival, Gent Jazz Festival & Jazz Middelheim Antwerp


2004 – 2006

Independent copywriter, specialised in cultural funding files


Personal interest

books – eating & cooking – DIY enthusiast – ski

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